Have there ever been two more opposite things than mice and essential oils? We’ve all heard the saying “Opposites attract.”, in this situation, however, that is thankfully not true. When used appropriately, many essential oils can actually help to repel mice. Mice have an acute sense of smell which is […]
Author: David Brooks
Do Mice Leave On Their Own?
It’s a perilous world out there for mice. Loathed by humans and chased by prey, the mouse without a home is a mouse searching for one. And once that little mouse finds a spot where he feels safe and well fed, he builds a nest a moves into to his […]
5 Best Ways to Catch Multiple Mice
If you have mice, you need mouse traps, ASAP. It’s as simple as that. Once mice deem your home safe and cozy, they will not leave on their own. A few mice can quickly lead to a large infestation, and an infestation can quickly lead to an even larger, more […]
You Caught 3 Mice, How Many More Are There?
Do I have a mouse infestation? Should I keep putting out mouse traps? Should I be worried? These are all normal questions you should be asking yourself after you catch a few mice within a period of a few days. While the bad news is mice are common house pests, […]
Can Mice Eat Chocolate? Poison or Treat?
We all know dogs and cats shouldn’t eat chocolate, but what about mice? If you have a mouse infestation, or perhaps just a pet mouse or two, you may be wondering if it’s safe or dangerous for them to eat chocolate. Read this article to learn the facts and to […]
Does Irish Spring Deter Mice? Myth or Repellant
Yup, you read it right. Could Irish Spring soap really keep mice out of your home? If you have already spotted mice in your home, or if you want to proactively repel mice from entering your home, you are probably searching for the best way to keep them away. With […]
Best Way to Get Rid of Mice in Walls
Are you hearing scratching in the walls or are you going crazy? Could it really be that mice are in your walls and how can you sleep soundly at night with that happening? You need to first distinguish if what you are hearing are mice because they can wreak more […]
10 Best Cats for Catching Mice – Pest Repellant!
Did you know that house cats and tigers share about 96% of their DNA? When you think of a tiger chances are, you’re thinking of a fierce predator. The same is true of most house cats. Domesticated house cats are direct descendants of big cats, tigers in particular, which means […]
Does Bleach Repel Mice? Top 3 Effective Methods
If you are dealing with an infestation of mice, but don’t much care for the idea of Stuart Little lying dead on your kitchen floor, repellants could be a viable option. Many people with pets or small children want to be careful about leaving traps or poisons around the house. […]
How to Mouse Proof Your House – Keeping them Away!
We’ve all seen the pictures online of adorable little mice sitting in coffee cups, running on wheels, and napping inside flowers. While they might be cute little animals that make you say “Aaaaaaaaawe…”, having mice in your house that aren’t pets can very quickly become a problem. Your situation can […]